Jahitza Balaniuk - Head of Engagement & Learning

Jahitza is the Global Engagement Manager at Science Gallery International. She has over 10 years’ experience in Communication and Marketing, a Postgraduate degree in Communications Management and a strong expertise in delivering complex audiovisual and editorial projects and cultural events. Worked for 9+ years as a Cultural Producer and Project Manager at Itaú Cultural, in São Paulo and in her spare time is involved with audiovisual projects as an editor and/or producer.
As the Head of Engagement & Learning at Science Gallery International, she coordinates the design and execution of internal engagement strategies, learning resources, and global events for our network of university-linked galleries worldwide. She also manages the administration and infrastructure of internal digital services, such as DAM, LMS, and CRM, and provide content and technical support.

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Talk to Jahitza at jahitza.balaniuk@sciencegallery.com

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