Science Gallery London launch 'FED UP' at Borough Market

It's been a busy couple of weeks for the team developing Science Gallery at King's College London.

Only last week, they invited feedback on their plans to open a Science Gallery on Guy's Campus by the end of 2017. You can read all about the public exhibition, which was held at the legendary King's College 'Spit', as well as seeing the plans yourself here.


Now, they have just launched their second experimental pre-opening season 'FED UP' with a week-long pop-up at Borough Market named 'The House of Ferment'. Created by Griezedale Arts and artist Karen Guthrie, the House of Ferment will be serving up fermented delights for the week to give people a taste of programmes to come at the gallery, which will be based just a couple of blocks away adjacent to the Shard.

An extensive events programme will also run for the week in House of Ferment, exploring the many facets of fermentation, from its role in breadmaking to its role as activism. Visit the Science Gallery London website to book tickets, and check out the full 'FED UP' programme, and check out the buzz on Twitter.

For now, here's a video of the Director of Science Gallery London, Daniel Glaser, introducing the season, and some other pics we took at the launch event.

The pop-up is based at Borough Market, just steps from the site for Science Gallery London adjacent to the Shard in London bridge (where the white pin is located on the map below):

House of Ferment viewed from the outside:

House of Ferment viewed from the outside:

Ollie Stannard from Culture at King's/Science Gallery London gets stuck into some fermented foods:

Ollie Stannard from Culture at King's/Science Gallery London gets stuck into some fermented foods:

House of Ferment features a beautiful mountainous copper installation:

House of Ferment features a beautiful mountainous copper installation:

The pop-up is laden with pickled delights:

The pop-up is laden with pickled delights:

Artist and House of Ferment collaborator Karen Guthrie speaks about the project at the launch:

Artist and House of Ferment collaborator Karen Guthrie speaks about the project at the launch:

The launch featured a special performance from a wooden-spoon-wielding Artist Bedwyr Williams, perhaps best known for representing Wales at the Venice Biennale in 2013:


Science Gallery staff serve up some local beer - itself the result of fermentation!


We're looking forward to seeing FED UP develop over the coming weeks - stay tuned!

Jahitza Balaniuk