Live & Past Exhibitions
Find out about the exhibitions across the globe from members of the Science Gallery Network
BRAVE NEW FUTURE brings together different visions of tomorrow, exploring unknown environments and hopeful societies for today’s youth, presented through various disciplines and forms of imagination.
Confronting environmental injustices, from air pollution to the rights of the ocean and the impact of our waste, VITAL SIGNS explores the differences we could all make, if we viewed the planet’s health as an extension of our own.
Embark on a transformative journey at RESILIENT EARTH, an unprecedented collaboration between Science Gallery Atlanta at Emory University and Accenture. This immersive exhibition is not just about showcasing sustainability; it’s about empowering you to recognize your existing contributions to the health of our planet while discovering your own path forward toward a more resilient future.
SCI-FI: Mythologies Transformed, offers fresh insights on science fiction, a genre built on envisioning alternative futures and imaginary realms.
NOT NATURAL explored the growing friction between natural and artificial systems. With increasing control over nature, humans have opened a plethora of possibility and a pandoras box of ethical dilemmas. NOT NATURAL asked: are we redesigning evolution or is evolution re-designing us?
DARK MATTERS, an exhibition in collaboration with Arts at CERN and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics, explored the fundamental essence of life and the universe, and how so much of it remains a mystery to us.
CARBON called into question our existing relationship with carbon. We are all made of carbon, as is everything around us. From medicine and machinery to architecture and art—the sooty fingerprints of carbon are visible on almost everything humanity has built. How do we make sense of this paradoxical element—critical to life yet capable of suffocating it?
AI: WHO’S LOOKING AFTER ME? took a questioning and playful look at the ways artificial intelligence is already shaping so many areas of our lives - from our healthcare and justice systems to how we look after our pets. Who holds the power, who distributes the benefits, and who bears the burden of existing AI systems? Can we rely on these technologies for our wellbeing and happiness?
JUSTICE examined the relationships between individuals and the systems that impact their lives, the intersection of those systems more broadly, and the agency of individuals to influence those institutions.
BREAK THE BINARIES presented a playful and kaleidoscopic view of identity and genders, and their relationship with science, technology, culture, race, sexuality and creativity.
SWARM was a space that aimed to uncover the very essence of human behaviour and questioned what drives us to be social. Through a series of collaborative exhibits and projects, SWARM delved into the science and art behind what it means to be part of the pack.
PSYCHE explored the mind, the brain, and the complexities of thinking and feeling. The season hosted interactive exhibits that explored mental health, artificial intelligence, social impediments to mental wellbeing, and more. PSYCHE provided visitors exciting, new, and diverse ways to engage with the mysteries of the mind.
MENTAL was a welcoming place to confront societal bias and stereotypes around mental health and explore, empathise and question what it means to be human using science, technology and creativity.