'Changing values in science education and the emergence of Science Gallery'

This book reflects on how values have been considered since this original publication, particularly in terms of socio-cultural, economic and political factors that have impacted broadly on science, technology and society, and more specifically on informal and formal science curricula. Hence, the title of this book has been framed as Values in Science Education: The shifting sands. As in the first book, this collection focuses on values that are centrally associated with science and its teaching, and not the more general notion of values such as cooperation or teamwork that are also important values in current curricula. Such values have indeed become more of a focus in science education.

This may be a response to the changing global context, where technological changes have been rapid and accelerating. In such complex and risky environments, it is our guiding principles that become the important mainstays of our decisions and practices. In terms of science education, what is becoming clearer is that traditional content and traditional science and scientific methods are not enough for science and hence science education to meet such challenges. While shifts in values in science education continue, tensions remain in curriculum development and implementation, as evidenced by the continued diversity of views about what and whose values matter most.

In Chapter Six: Changing Values in Science Education and the Emergence of Science Gallery (2020), Clare Murphy and Joseph Roche examine how shifts in science education values have contributed to the development of the Science Gallery model. Featured in Values in Science Education: The Shifting Sands (edited by Deborah Corrigan and colleagues), their chapter explores how Science Gallery redefines traditional science learning by integrating interdisciplinary, participatory, and curiosity-driven approaches.

Citation: Murphy, C., & Roche, J. (2020), ‘Chapter Six: Changing values in science education and the emergence of Science Gallery, Values in Science Education: The Shifting Sands‘ Ed. Corrigan et al., Berlin: Springer.